Malayan Wolfpack: Championing Unity and Diversity through Apparel

In conversation with Kasshvin of Malayan Wolfpack

"When you wear our pieces, we want you to believe that it's more than just about looking good, you will also be representing the Malayan Wolfpack movement, where we champion unity and diversity."

How did you start?

The brand was founded in early 2019 and in early 2022 , my co-founder Ming who was a long time customer and a good friend hopped on the brand journey with me.

Malayan Wolfpack started based on the concept that we should be more than just apparel, through the brand, we wanted to champion unity and diversity.

What is the vision behind Malayan Wolfpack?

We want to be a brand that serves the community. Just like our name, Malayan - to represent the origins of the brand, Malaysia, and Wolfpack - to represent the coming together of a community.

Our physical outlets to come in the future should not only be a place to sell products, it would be a space that exceeds just the retail experience. We want to arrange for community events, for people from all walks of life to come together and share their ideas and interests.

It's no secret that entrepreneurship is hard. What keeps you going?

From our first sale, it is undoubtedly the continuous support from our customers. Every purchase means a lot to us.

What has been your biggest challenge?

The apparel and fashion industry is quite a competitive space, and the challenge for us would be how we want to put out our brand identity, and create a narrative that will help us stand out from the pack (no pun intended).

We want to differentiate ourselves from the rest, through our brand values.

What is one thing you are the proudest of in your journey as an entrepreneur?

Definitely initiating the brand itself, I was a creative person before but founding the brand has brought out the entrepreneurial side of me.

It was this realization that "Oh, Malayan Wolfpack could actually go very far."

To join the movement and shop their apparel, visit malayanwolfpack.com


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